System of Units (Measurements/Date and Time)
Value | Description |
british | British Standard |
metric | Metric |
native | Show measurements in the local format. |
standard | US Standard. |
Date and Time
Element | Description |
yyyy | Four digit year. |
MM | Two digit month. |
dd | Two digit day of the month. |
T | A separator between date and time. |
HH | Two digit hours ranging from 00 to 23. |
mm | Two digit minute. |
ss | Two digit second. |
fff | Optional three digit millisecond. |
Z | A terminator representing the UTC timezone. |
Date and Time Formatting
ddd MMM d, yyyy→Mon Apr 18, 2016
h:mm:ss tt→2:44:40 PM
h\h mm\m ss\s→2h 44m 40s
Element | Description |
yy | Two digit year |
yyyy | Four digit year. |
M | One or two digit month |
MM | Two digit month. |
MMM | Abbreviated month name (ie: Jan) |
MMMM | Month name |
d | One or two digit day of the month. |
dd | Two digit day of the month. |
ddd | Abbreviated day name (ie: Mon) |
dddd | Day name (ie: Monday) |
h | One or two digit hour ranging from 0 to 12. |
H | One or two digit hour ranging from 0 to 23. |
hh | Two digit hour ranging from 00 to 12. |
HH | Two digit hours ranging from 00 to 23. |
m | One or two digit minute. |
mm | Two digit minute. |
s | One or two digit second |
ss | Two digit second. |
f | One digit millisecond |
ff | Two digit millisecond |
fff | Three digit millisecond. |
t | First letter of meridium (ie: A or P) |
tt | Meridium (ie: AM or PM) |
\ | Escape the next character (ie h\h → 9h) |
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