1. Select Maintenance.
2. Select Create Schedule.
3. Input Schedule details.
(a) Schedule name
(b) Add any Notes
(c) Assign a colour
(d) Choose a Symbol
4. Add Maintenance details.
(a) Reference Number
(b) Estimated Cost
(c) Duration
(d) Garage Name
5. Set up Recurrence and Targets for the maintenance schedule.
(a) Predict Job – Enter the number of days in advance you wish to be notified a job is deemed due.
(b) Notify Users – If you wish to set up email notifications for Maintenance, input the email address of the User to be notified. Multiple email addresses can be entered. They must be separated by a (;) semicolon.
(c) Select the number of Days, Distance or Engine Hours that should elapse before the schedule is deemed due. Example, every 90 days or 3000 KM days the vehicle is due for an oil change.
(d) Select the Targets for the maintenance schedule.
Everything – All assets in the company
By Labels – All devices with a specific label
By Kind – All Vehicles or All Trailers
Specific – Select a specific asset
6. Save.