Search patterns follow these formulas:
term => items that match the term
term1 term2 => items that match either term1 or term2
“Term1 Term2” => items that (partially) match the whole “term1 term2”
term1-term2 => equivalent to “Term1 Term2”
operator:term => items whose operator matches the term
operator:”term with spaces” => items whose operator matches the “terms with spaces”
operator:term1,term2 => items whose operator matches both term1 and term2
operator:term1 operator:term2 => equivalent to “operator:term1,term2”
operator:term1 | operator:term2 => items whose operator matches either term1 or term2
operator:term1 term2 => items whose operator matches term1, and matches term2
operator1:term1 operator2:term2 => items where operator1 matches term1 and operator2 matches term2
!term => items that do not match the term
term !term2 => items that do match term1 and do not match term2
!operator:term => items whose operator does not match term
operator1:term1 !operator2:term2 => items whose operator1 matches term1, and whose operator2 does not match term2
#term => Searches for items with that exact unique identifier. For Assets, Places, Companies, Contact, and almost everything it’s the id, for users it’s the login, and for devices it’s the Provider id.
Asset Manager: #123456 => finds all assets and places with the unique id 123456
Admin Section: => finds the user with that specific login
Device Manager: #15c1i07s53b8a3ef => finds the provider with that specific distinct id
$term => Searches for directly related data
Asset Manager: $15c1i07s53b8a3ef => finds the asset using the device with that specific distinct id.
Asset Manager: $ff0000 => finds the places in that hex colour
Device Manager: $1416123456789 => finds the devices using that phone number, or whose identification data contains that value
Behaviours Manager: $123456 => searches for behaviours using a script whose id is 123456
Behaviours Manager: $speeding => searches for behaviours using a script whose name contains the word “speeding”
Maintenance section: $123456 => searches for jobs which are based on the schedule whose id is 123456
Reports Manager: $123456 => searches for results which are based on the template whose id is 123456
Clicking on an item in the Vector Blade of Selection while holding with ALT key will preserve the search. This means you can easily switch between searched items without having to re-search or use the back button.
Searching in the Asset manager:
A search without operators will find both Assets and Places
tag: (synonyms: status: and/or state:)
Searches for Assets with the given status tags
Tag names must match exactly
tag:”On Duty” will show only those Assets that are listed as “On Duty”
!tag:speeding will show only those Assets that are not listed as “Speeding”
Searches for Assets matching the given label name, or Assets that have no labels
Label names must match exactly
label:name is the same as clicking on a Label on the left-most menu
vehicle: (synonyms: truck: car:)
Searches for only vehicle type Assets.
person: (synonyms: people:)
Searches for only person type Assets.
Searches for only trailer type Assets.
place: (synonyms: at: in: zone: location: contain:)
Searches for only Places instead of Assets and Places.
has: (synonyms: related: driving: towing: with:)
Searches for Assets in a relationship with another Asset
with:”Alex” will not find an Asset named Alex, but will find the vehicle that Alex is driving
at: (synonyms: inside: enter: exit:)
Searches for Assets currently at a matching Place
at:”Head Office” will not find the Place named “Head Office”, but it will find Assets within it’s boundary
Searching in the Maintenance manager:
A search without operators will find Maintenance Jobs, not schedules or Assets
asset: (synonyms: truck: car: trailer:)
Finds jobs listed for an Asset who matches the search term(s)
Finds jobs listed for a Maintenance Schedule who matches the search term(s)
Searching in the Hours of Service section:
A search without operators will find Assets
The same Asset operators from the Asset manager apply
Searching in the Reports section:
A search without operators will find Report Results, not Report Templates
asset: (synonyms: truck: vehicle: person: people: car: trailer:)
Finds any Report Result that targets a matching Asset
asset:”Alex” will find all Reports with results for assets named “Alex”
Finds any Report Result from a matching Report Template
template:”Breadcrumb” will match all Report Results using the Report Template named “Breadcrumb”
Searching in the Admin section:
Depending on the sub-section you are viewing, your search options are different
In the Contacts sub-section, only simple searches are allowed, but will match against any Contact details such as name, email, phone numbers, etc…
In the Users sub-section:
contact: (synonyms: vcard:)
Finds the Users whose contact information matches the given term(s)
group: (synonyms: member: memberOf:)
Finds the Users who are members of the matching User Group(s)
grant: (synonyms: access: permission:)
This advanced option allows you to search for Users who are either granted a matching permission, or is a member of a group with a matching permission.
This search does not exclude Users who also have a matching revoked permission.
revoke: (synonyms: deny: denied:)
This advanced option allows you to search for Users who are either denied a matching permission, or is a member of a group with a matching revoked permission.
In the User Groups sub-section
user: (synonyms: login: account:)
Finds User Groups who have a matching User as a member.
grant: (synonyms: access: permission:)
This advanced option allows you to search for User Groups who are granted a matching permission.
This search does not exclude User Groups who also have a matching revoked permission.
revoke: (synonyms: deny: denied:)
This advanced option allows you to search for User Groups with a matching revoked permission.
Searching in the Device manager:
Depending on the sub-section you are viewing, your search options are different
In the main Devices view:
config: (synonyms: configuration:)
Finds only those devices whose Configuration profile matches the given term(s)
asset: (synonyms: vehicle: person: people: trailer: truck:)
Finds only those devices whose Asset matches the given term(s)
!asset:* can be used to find devices with no associated Asset
Finds only Sierra Wireless/AirLink modems
bluetree: (synonyms: sixnet:)
Finds only Sixnet/BlueTree modems
Finds only TachWest DataTrans modems
Finds only Gen-X modems
Finds only TWTracker JSON protocol supported devices
lbs: (synonyms: ping:)
Finds only Bell Mobility LBS devices
Finds only CalAmp LMU series modems
Finds only CalAmp TTU series devices
mobile: (synonyms: phone:)
smartwitness: (synonyms: dashcam:)
Finds only SmartWitness dashcam modems
Finds only Novotel/Enfora SpiderAT devices
Finds only Novotel/Enfora SpiderMT modems
titan: (synonyms: cts:)
Finds only Certified Tracking modems
Finds only Xirgo modems
In the Configurations sub-section:
device: (synonyms: provider:)
Finds Configuration profiles with a matching Device
In the Configuration Types sub-section only simple searches will work
Searching in the Behaviour manager:
A search without operators will find Behaviours, not Behaviour Scripts
asset: (synonyms: vehicle: person: people: trailer: truck:)
Handy for finding all the associated Behaviours for a given Asset
script: (synonyms: js:)
Finds all Behaviours that implement a matching Behaviour Script
param: (synonyms: arg: argument: parameter:)
Finds all Behaviours whose parameters include a matching term(s)
device: (synonyms: provider:)
Finds all Behaviours that filter based on a matching Device.
!device:* can be used to find all Behaviours that do not filter based on Device
Searching in the Reports Manager:
New Reports search operator “status:term” allow you to filter only reports of the matching status. Example is “status:created” for reports which have not yet begun to process or “status:failed” to see reports that could not run and ended with an exception.